Monday, March 31, 2008


Well it has been a year since my dad departed this earth. With each passing holiday or special occasion, he was remembered. I can't say that it is any easier today that it was a year ago today. I still miss his dearly. I am so grateful for the time that we had with him after we found out that he was sick. There are already things that I feel like I have forgotten about him. When I think of him though, the memory of the last time that I saw him keeps flashing in my mind. I was leaving to go to San Diego for a couple of days and I stopped by to say goodbye. I visited with him for a couple of minutes and he told me that he loved me. Then the nurse came to help get him situated. As I was leaving he told the nurse, "don't worry, if you need anything, Cami will be there for you."
In retrospect I think that he knew that his time on Earth was short. I am so grateful that I have had such a wonderful man for a father. I am also grateful that I will be able to see him again someday.


The Queen Bee said...

I'm sorry I didn't know your dad passed away. It's great that you honored his memory with such sweet words and pictures.

Tam said...

Your dad was always so much fun. Between him and your mom there was always laughs at your house.

I can only imagine a small part of how you are feeling - I almost lost my dad this year and just the thought of what could have happened brings me to tears even now. It is times like this when eternity is the sweetest.

Merrimom said...

It sounds like you have such great memories of him. It is so great to understand the plan of salvation, isn't it. You made a great tribute to him.

karen said...

I didnt know your dad passed. I can honestly say I know what you are feeling. My dad has been gone now for 8 years. Its still hard to think I cant call him and talk to him. His little grandaughter is getting big now. Ali was 3 months old last time we saw him. Im grateful he had the chance to see his grandchild.

What nice words you have for your father. If you ever need to talk or cry Im here for you. Love you.

Eliza said...

That was beautiful Cammi I'm sure you brought your dad so much joy. You are a living tribute to him and I know he is proud of you and your life.

Jenn said...

I'm so sorry. He sounds like a wonderful man. Yesterday was also the first anniversary of the passing of another dear friend-of-mine's father.