Friday, May 30, 2008

What we've been up to

Luke and I renewed our vows. He arranged everything. I just had to get my dress. It was fun. We are celebrating our tenth year of marriage this summer. After the renewal we went on a gondala ride.


Tam said...

Good for you guys. We are hitting the big 10 next month but don't have anything that great planned. I am really happy for the two of you. Isn't it amazing what you can pack into 10 years. I know with us sometimes it feels like we have been married forEVER and then like that it feels like we are newlyweds again. Well except for the two kids running around!!!

karen said...

Congrats guys. Your looking good. I guess you can say we bought a house for our 10th anniversary. I think its fair to say that also covers birthdays and mothers/fathers/day, christmas for a few years.

Jenn said...

Sounds totally fun! 10 years, WOO! We hit 12 years on Sunday. Man alive, it goes fast!

Jenn said...

Oh, and ya' know what I did for our 10th? While Mark was at work, I pitched a small tent in the backyard (he didn't notice it, even when he got home). I put some treats (chocolate covered strawberries, nuts, Martinelli's in an ice bucket) and some... *ahem*... other supplies... in there. Then after the kids went to bed, I uh, put *something* on, sneaked out the back door, and put a trail of lighted candles from the back door to the tent. I'll stop the story there. ;) But he really got a kick out of it, LOL!