Monday, January 19, 2009


Ok so I am a big slacker... I will try to be better about posting. Luke is going to be deployed in a couple of months and it is great to keep in touch with everyone. I need to add to my follower list so reply to this please because I am a little technically slow!



Jen Wolff said...

Welcome back to blogger world! Glad you are back!

Tam said...

I was just thinking how long it has been for me too. I guess I should start working on something too!!!

Can't wait to hear what you have been up to. I missed you!!!

karen said...

welcome back. You can try facebook too. Seems like most of us are on that too.

Merrimom said...

I've been wondering how you guys are doing. It's very nice to hear from you!

Williams Family Dirt said...

Welcome back! Of course I will watch the inauguration, it is a historical event after all. Besides, what other country in the world hands over power as seemlessly as the US and spends over 100 million dollars to do it! Heck, I may even scrapbook the event!

The McCauley Family said...

Hi Cami! How are you guys? I saw you left a post, so I thought I'd check out your blog. Where is he being deployed? I didn't realize you guys had moved....out of state.
Talk to me girl.

Jenn said...

Glad everything is OK. If you ever want to get together (before or after he leaves), you know we're right down the hill!

The McCauley Family said...

Your blog said the desert...I assumed AZ..I dont't know why. Glad youre still in Calif. Sorry to hear he is going to it better over there now? My BIL had to go there three times and almost a fourth. Miss you guys too. I was talking to someone and they said that your dad passed away. Sorry to hear that, he is a good man.

Grammy said...

Hey. I miss ya too! There is a little girl in our ward here who reminds me so much of Madie, the same mischevious smile and all. Where and when does Luke go? Hope all is going well for you guys.

Karrie said...

Hey Woman, you are neglecting your blog. We are a bunch of nosey people who need something to read! :) I'm glad you are doing well. I am in the process of redoing my friends list because I lost my widgets when I messed with my blog- I have no idea why it's a "widget", except maybe the person who invented them didn't really know what they were either. It must be difficult to be a military wife- I suppose you would get used to it, but really, every time he leaves must upset your family routines and a certain level of peace of mind.

Jenn said...

Where'd you goooooooo? LOL!