Sunday, September 7, 2008


This was in our backyard!!! The dog barked and the fire department came out and kill it for us!!! Soooo... now we have to move (I do have a slight phobia).


Tam said...

Okay I don't blame you for that. I wouldn't even had left the post - I would have called the fire dept and told them how to get in while I was on my way out!!! Good for you for sticking it out.

Jen Wolff said...

Yeah, I'd be outta there! Glad to hear nobody or animal got hurt!

Kendra said...

I would have freaked out.

Merrimom said...

The desert is lovely, eh? That is creepy for sure. I have only seen a non venomous desert glossy snake here in Phoenix so far, but I'm sure those rattlers are around. So glad your dog is ok.